It's Breastifying!

Carey was unhappy with the size of her breasts. Having always had a dancer's body, she'd never been more than an A cup her entire life. She had recently started taking experimental breast enhancement pills that she had bought at a herbal shop, but she hadn't notice any changes in her chest even after she'd finished off the entire bottle.

One day, after she had just gotten off from work, she noticed a storm approaching. Her house wasn't too far away though, so she had decided to walk home regardless. When she got to her front yard she heard loud thunder. Seconds later, lightning struck her breasts.

However, instead of feeling pain, the electricity made her feel extreme pleasure as the unactivated hormone chemicals she'd accumulated in her body caused her to transform. Her breasts exploded in size as her sensitivity multiplied several times over, causing a chain reaction of orgasms... each one rewarded with more growth.

With one last electrically-charged and chemically-aided orgasm, she passed out.

When she awoke, her top was missing and her breasts had grown as big as beach balls.

Story by mtetas27
Artwork by Octo

High resolution (2271x3150)

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